Quality Products for Nuclear and PET Imaging
Rod Sources, Spot Markers, Rulers, etc.

Rod Sources Calibrated rod sources typically have a calibration accuracy of ± 3% – 5% at a 95% confidence level. Physical dimensions are 2.96 inches (75 mm) total length by 0.47 inches (11.9 mm) diameter. Calibrated rod sources are manufactured by gravimetric transference of NIST traceable solutions

Spot Markers Spot Markers are reference sources manufactured by gravimetric transfer of a Co-57/epoxy mixture and checked by ion chamber for content. There are two designs available. The traditional Lucite marker with a total diameter of 1.0 inches (2.54 cm), an active area of 0.125 inches (3 mm) and a total thickness of 0.25 inches (6.4 mm). The Aluminum marker has the same physical characteristics but is designed and approved by regulatory authorities for activity content up to 12.0 mCi (444 MBq) of Co-57.

Left and Right Markers L/R Markers aid in patient orientation for SPECT and Planar imaging. Nominal activity is 33 uCi in the left marker and 66 uCi in the right marker. Activity concentrations in uCi per mm is equivalent in both markers .2 inches in diameter and .25 inches thick, the discs are backfilled with epoxy to seal in the activity.

Penpoint Marker Designed for highlighting or tracing the outlines of a particular anatomical region or feature on a patient during imaging. It is constructed using 300 series stainless steel. Each source is supplied with a threaded cap to shield the active point when the source is not being used with 0.5 inch wall thickness. The overall length of the source with shield in place is 10.1" (25.6 cm), with the shield removed the length decreases to 9.26" (23.5 cm). The penpoint marker has a diameter of 0.25" (6.3 mm).

Flexible Line Source Extremely flexible and easily shaped into configurations necessary for outlining areas of interest. Sources contain 150 uCi of Co-57 evenly distributed throughout the epoxy over the 19.7" (50 cm) active length. (<5 uCi/in). The activity is uniformly dispersed in the epoxy matrix and encapsulated in a thin "poly" tube with an 0.032" (0.8mm) inside diameter and a 0.094" (2.4mm) outside diameter. Custom sources can be made containing a maximum activity 1.2 millicuries (44.4 MBq).

Flexible Ruler Source Aids in indicating anatomical location for SPECT Imaging. Aids in indicating organ size or region of interest by counting the number of visible "hot and cold" segments for SPECT Imaging. Sources contain 460 microcuries of Co-57 (20 microcuries per segment). Each source contains 23 "hot" 1 cm segments and 24 "cold" 1 cm stainless steel segments, total length is 18.9 inches (48 cm). Custom sources can be made containing a maximum activity 1.2 millicuries (44.4 MBq).

Rigid Ruler Source Aids in indicating anatomical location for SPECT Imaging. Aids in indicating organ size or region of interest by counting the number of visible "hot and cold" segments for SPECT Imaging. Sources contain 160 microcuries of Co-57 (20 microcuries per segment). Each source contains 8 "hot" 1 cm segments and 9 "cold" 1 cm segments, total length is 6.7 inches (17 cm). Custom sources can be made containing a maximum activity 1.2 millicuries (44.4 MBq).